Doing the Hard Work

Hi friends,

We are, in a word, exhausted.

The last several weeks have felt like years, except for the fact that time is whipping by us like a high-speed train. When we first began talking about the logistics of this journey and the work it would require it felt so easy to gloss over tasks like selling our furniture on Kijiji, having multiple garage sales, and planning and hosting a fundraising event. And now that we're in the thick of it, we are really feeling just how hard this is. Emotions aside, selling everything you own is really, really hard and it feels like we've been working day and night and there's still so much to do.

As I collapsed into a chair the other day (because we no longer have a couch...) to spend some time in God's word, I was reminded of Jesus' words to the rich young ruler in Mark 10 - "Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." After he hears Jesus' words, the man walks away sad because he is rich with earthly possessions. Now obviously we're not selling all our possessions and then donating the money to the poor...we're selling our possessions in order to be able to buy a few basic things for our home in Romania (like beds and a kitchen table and chairs). But what I connected with in this story is the attitude in which the rich young ruler walked away from Jesus. He was sad and downtrodden because it's our human nature that causes us to be attached to the temporal rather than the eternal. He was disheartened because he knew in that moment how difficult it would be to do what Jesus was asking, even though it sounded like a simple task. And though we're not technically giving away our money to the poor, we are leaving behind our careers (read: earning potential, savings, and a comfortable retirement) and selling all our furniture and belongings at a fraction of the cost it's going to be to replace them, just so we can pour out our lives in service to our Lord and to the people in Romania. 

And let's be honest, there is not a day that goes by where we don't wonder what the heck we're doing, or feel that materialistic nature trying to take over. Make no mistake, selling everything you own is such hard work, even if you take the sentimentality and materialism out of it. It feels so wrong in so many ways...our "stuff" is worth so much more to us than the amount of money we can sell it for, but in those moments when we feel like we're 'losing', stories like the one in Mark 10 remind us that it's actually the opposite.

The best part of this story is the promise that comes after Jesus' command to the rich young ruler: "and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News,  will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then." And so we trust, that God will keep his promise, of course, and we also trust that day by day He will sustain us and give us what we need to get through each gruelling day of packing, each garage sale, and all the organizing and cleaning, phone calls and emails, and fundraising.

We are so thankful for how God has already provided for us through many of you and your generosity. And we appreciate every person who has helped us out in tangible ways too - our family and our small group has rallied around us like a mighty army and we have no idea what we'd do without all of you!!

And the last several weeks haven't been all difficulty - we've enjoyed so many sweet moments like our little ballerina's first ballet recital, fun times outside enjoying the warm weather, and the summer's first ice cream cones (but certainly not the last!).

So, that's all we can really share as an update at the moment, but there will be more information to come in the next few weeks. In the meantime, here are some praise and prayer items and a list of practical needs.

Prayer Requests:

- Praise God for his provision through our garage sales! We've raised about 2/3 of the amount it will cost to furnish our house in Romania with basic furniture (beds, kitchen table and chairs, living room furniture, office furniture).
- Thank God for how he's drawing our family closer together. We've had so many sweet moments together as a family of 4 in the last few months and we're so thankful for this!
- Please pray for our kids. Specifically for how they're coping emotionally with all the change in their lives and for peaceful, restful sleep for them at night (and for us!)
- Please pray for our financial needs. We are well on our way to raising support but there is still much more we need to raise in the next 2 months.
- Please pray for buyers for our 2 vehicles. We really need to sell both our van and Jerry's truck before we go so we can buy a vehicle as soon as possible after our arrival in Romania.

We need:

- More suitcases or large duffel bags!! We're short about 3 pieces of luggage and we'd rather not have to buy brand new luggage before we go. If you happen to have some lying around that you'd like to donate, please CONTACT US! We'll come pick it up, and even if it's a little bit worse for wear (a partially broken zipper or handle), that's ok. 

- We'd love to have more email addresses for our email newsletter list. We'll be sending you blog posts as we update regularly as well as subscriber-only updates and prayer request lists. If you'd like to sign up, fill out the form below.

- Of course, we are still in need of monthly financial support and one-time donations. All information on how to donate is below, and if you were one of the people who pledged to us in the beginning stages of our fundraising, feel free sign up for your donation anytime by clicking either of the links below.

Click here to make a donation online!

If you are one of the people who pledged monthly support to us over the last few months, we are completely set up with The Great Commission Foundation to begin registering monthly donors and taking donations. You can CLICK HERE to head over to our donation page for more information about how to become a monthly supporter or to make a one-time donation. 

That's all for now, friends! Thanks so much!

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  1. Wow! What an incredible post Chrissie! I had no idea you guys were moving to Romania but know that my husband and I are prayer warriors for you guys. So excited for you and can't wait to see what God has in store for your entire family on this new adventure.


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